Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let's Go Fishing

Queen Mommy has been busy this week working on an entry hall bench (more on that later) and the quilt the Princesses designed (more on that later too). Add to that Princess Big got sick with something and had a fever. Needless to say, we didn't do any crafting together. This had me feeling guilty so I whipped up this little game for the Princesses last night while watching American Idol (I know). It's a little fishing game that I've seen all over the web but here's how I did it.

First, I made a fish template out of cardstock. Then, I traced it onto cardstock of different colors and cut them out. Next, I laid out a piece of clear contact paper and put a paper clip down under one of the fish cutouts. Then, I put another piece of contact paper over the top and cut all of the fish out again. You could just cut out the paper fish and put the paper clip on but I wanted something a little more sturdy.

To make the pole I took a piece of dowel rod that I had left over from my Quilted Sunnies Caddie. Then, I tied a length of string (I used cooking twine) to the end of the stick and ran my glue gun around it so it wouldn't slide off the end. Next, I tied the other end of the twine to a craft magnet and ran my glue gun around and under the knot to hold it to the magnet.

Here are the Princesses fishing. It has kept them pretty busy for the better part of an hour so far :) Time Queen Mommy used to put a first coat of paint on her entry hall bench!

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