Tuesday, March 8, 2011

XL Building Blocks

When Princess Big was a baby King Daddy found these really cool large cardboard building blocks in one of those boutique toy stores. The problem was that she was too little to play with them and they were really expensive! By the time she was old enough we had moved from that city and I completely forgot about them. That is until I stumbled upon this project at Vintage Image Craft. The vintage look really isn't my style but it made me remember the cardboard blocks and here's what I did.

I started with an empty half gallon milk carton and just popped the spout off. They peel right off if you stick a knife in under the plastic.

Next, I cut the corners.

Then, I used my glue gun to glue the flap down.

Once the glue was dry I noticed that the sides popped up a little. So, I put a drop of glue right in the center there and glued it down on both sides.

Next, just like the guys at Vintage Image Craft, I covered the cartons with newspaper dipped in liquid starch. Then, I set them to dry on toothpicks stuck in a piece of Styrofoam. I did that twice. Once the second layer was dry I used acrylic craft paint (2-3 coats) to give them that brick red color.

Here you have it! I only have 3 blocks right now. I wanted to make sure the process would work first. Now that I'm satisfied that it does, we need to drink more milk!

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