Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Island Mural

Today's art project was getting our mural started. I drew an outline of a volcano and the ocean on our bulletin board paper. Then I got out the tempera paint and mixed a few colors, gave the girls a foam brush and here is what we got.

Then I gave them some sun pieces and asked them to arrange them. Then I put a little glue on the back and handed it to them to paste.

Here is our finished (for the day) mural.

Now for step 2 in our volcano model.
The first thing I did was to mix up some salt dough which is 1 part salt, 4 parts all-purpose flour and 1 1/2 parts hot water. Mix together and kneed for about 10 minutes.

Then we rolled it out to anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 inches thick.

While I was putting the finishing touches on this, the girls were doing this with the leftover dough. Once I was happy with the volcano (I hope to get a lot of use out of this), I put it in the oven at the lowest possible temp (which for my oven is 170F) for 3 hours. Then I just turned the oven off and left the volcano in there. I will leave it in there until I have to cook dinner tomorrow night. Then on Thursday we will paint it.

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