Friday, February 18, 2011

Build {Hers} Club

Hello everyone out there! I'm so excited to be joining in the Build {Hers} Club over at Sawdust and Paper Scraps. To join in or just check it out go here.

My contribution is the beds I made for my Princesses. Okay King Daddy helped a little. We joke, however, that when I'm building something he is the manual laborer. Since I don't have the best tools for the job or the best set up to use the ones I have, his job is mostly to hold the sheets of wood while I cut and sand them and to move heavy pieces around.

Here are the finished beds for both Princess Big and Princess Little.

To start with I built a frame. For Princess Big I used 2x6's and 3" screws. For Princess Little I used 2x4's. The platform is a 1/4" sheet of plywood.

The headboard and foot board, as well as, the sides were made from 3/4" plywood. The headboard and foot board are essentially rectangles with the top corners rounded off. After getting the pieces cut and sanded I upholstered them.

Then, I attached them with these L brackets in all four corners.

The whole process took about 2 days.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, these are real beds? I thought they were doll beds. I just have American Girl stuck in my head after my daughter's B-day yesterday. Gah. Great work on the beds. They were built with love and that makes them twice as special! :-) Sandra
